Pastki alyuminiy rulonlarni qanday tezda aniqlash mumkin?

Pastki alyuminiy profillarning xususiyatlari:

1. Kimyoviy tarkibi sifatsiz. Mahsulotga ko'p miqdorda turli xil alyuminiy va alyuminiy qoldiqlari qo'shilgan alyuminiy profillarning narxi sezilarli darajada kamayadi., ammo bu malakasiz qurilish alyuminiy profillariga olib keladi va qurilish loyihalari barqarorligiga jiddiy xavf tug'diradi.

2. Pastki alyuminiy profillar muhrlanish vaqtini sezilarli darajada kamaytiradi, reduce the loss of chemical reagents, and reduce the cost, but the corrosion resistance of the profiles is also greatly reduced.

3. Thin oxide film thickness. The standard stipulates that the oxide film thickness of architectural aluminum profiles should not be less than 10um (micrometers). If the thickness is not enough, the surface of the aluminum profile is easy to rust and corrode. In the random inspection, some aluminum profiles without production name, factory location, production license, and qualification certificate have an oxide film thickness of only 2 to 4um, and some do not even have an oxide film. According to expert estimates, every 1um reduction in oxide film thickness can reduce power consumption costs by more than 150 yuan per T profile.

4. Kimyoviy tarkibi sifatsiz. The aluminum profile mixed with a large amount of miscellaneous aluminum and scrap aluminum can greatly reduce the cost, but it will cause the chemical composition of the building aluminum profile to be unqualified, and seriously endanger the stability of the construction project.

Unqualified aluminum profiles may be deformed due to the influence of air, rain, sunlight, va boshqalar., and even cause glass breakage and fall off.