تطبيق واسع لملف الألمنيوم

Aluminum roll is an aluminum alloy product obtained after the aluminum metal is rolled by a casting and rolling mill and processed by bending and bending. لأن لفائف الألمنيوم لها خصائص معدنية جيدة, يستخدم على نطاق واسع في حياتنا اليومية بعد المعالجة.

لفة الألمنيوم

1. صناعة الأجهزة المنزلية: أثاث المنزل, خزائن, ثلاجات, أفران الميكروويف
2. صناعة السيارات;
3. Sheet metal production;
4. Mold processing;
5. بناء السفن;
6. Traffic facilities, اشارات حركة المرور;
7. Pipeline insulation;
8. Lighting lamps;
9. Advertising signs, ستائر زخرفية الجدران;
10. All aspects of life such as aluminum packaging outside the pipe, aluminum cooking utensils, إلخ.

In order to improve the deficiencies of a certain aspect of the aluminum coil during processing, other metals are added to it, so that the durability and processability of the aluminum coil have been improved, so that it is used more.

The aluminum coils we use now have many comprehensive metal properties, including low density, وزن خفيف; easy handling and strengthening; good plasticity and easy processing; المقاومة للتآكل; no low-temperature brittleness; good electrical and thermal conductivity. The use of aluminum coils around the world is growing steadily every year. It is believed that aluminum coils will be chosen by more companies and factories in the future aluminum product market.