Custom thickness aluminum coil overview

Aluminium coils are metal products that are subjected to flying shear after being rolled, quyma, va quyma va prokat tegirmonida egilgan.

Mis yoki po'latdan taxminan uchdan bir qismi zichroq, alyuminiy egiluvchanlik va egiluvchanlik afzalliklarini taklif etadi, oxir-oqibat alyuminiyni oson ishlov berish va alyuminiy rulonlarga yoki alyuminiy plitalarga quyish imkonini beradi. Add in its consistent strength, lightness, and value, and it becomes easy to understand why aluminum remains a popular metal, used to match any number of exact needs across a broad range of industries.

Custom thickness aluminum

Aluminum coil is a rolled product, produced in a coiled form of a continuous strip, and has an ID (Inner diameter) and OD (Outer diameter). Common alloy coils is used for a wide variety of applications, qotishma 1050, 1060, 3003, 3105, 3005, 5052, 5754, 5083, 6061, 8011, 8021, va hokazo, in thickness from 0.2-100mm, in width from 100-2600mm

Custom thickness aluminum coil type

Alloy Type Series Qotishma Jahl Qalinligi Kengligi Uzunlik
1000 Seriya 1060 HO,H12,H14,H16,T112 0.03mm-0.3mm 600mm-2800mm Moslashtirishga ko'ra
1100 0.02mm-0.5mm
2000 Seriya 2024 o- H112 0.01mm-0.5mm 600mm-3000mm Moslashtirishga ko'ra
3000 Seriya 3003 Ho,H12,H14,H15,H16,H18,H19 0.02mm-0.6mm 500mm-2800mm Customization
5000 Seriya 5005 H24,T651,H22,H26,T6 0.02mm-0.8mm 300mm-3000mm Moslashtirishga ko'ra

Aluminum coil specifications

1. qalinligi: 0.3-6mm
2. kengligi: 900-1600mm
3. material (qotishma): 1060,1100,3003,3004,3105,5005,5052,5754,5083,6061,6082 ect
4.package:eye to eye,eye to sky.

Custom thickness aluminum coil production instructions

  • Customizable aluminum alloy Alloy:1XXX,3XXX,5XXX,6XXX,8XXX Series
  • Alu temper: O – H112, T3 – T8, T351 – T851, va boshqalar
  • Technology: hot rolled ( DC ), sovuq prokat ( CC ), quyma
  • Standart: ASTM B209, GB/T 3880, EN AW etc
  • Shipping methods: Express, sea freight, air cargo, land transportation, postal, va boshqalar
  • Sample service: we can provide free samples

Aluminum Coil Thickness Packing

Qadoqlash tafsilotlari: Standart eksport paketi.
The aluminum Sheet of the packaging meets the export standard. Plastik plyonka va jigarrang qog'oz mijozlarning ehtiyojlariga ko'ra qoplanishi mumkin. Mahsulotlarni etkazib berish paytida shikastlanishdan himoya qilish uchun yog'och quti yoki yog'och taglik qabul qilinadi.