Bobin bilan qoplangan alyuminiy lasan nima?
What’s color coated aluminum coil? Qoplangan alyuminiy rulolar haqida qancha bilasiz? Qoplangan alyuminiy rulonlar, asosan, alyuminiy rulolar yuzasida rangli püskürtmeyi amalga oshiradigan mahsulotdir. Ular odatda rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulolar va rangli alyuminiy rulolar deb ataladi. Ushbu davolanishdan keyin, u nafaqat qurilish sohalarida chiroyli effektlarga ega, bezatish, va uy,
but also because of the coating process and coating thickness,
it is directly related to the product quality and service life of the coated aluminum coil.
Aluminium coil coating process
The key step in the production of colored aluminum coils is the aluminium coil coating line, because it can directly affect the quality of the coating and the durability of the product. Shuning uchun, the coating process is very strict, so what is the specific process of the coated aluminum coil?
Umuman, the production process of coil coating has 5 steps:
Coated aluminum coil process step 1;
The input of raw material coil is the continuous uncoiling of the uncoiler to ensure the continuous and stable input of the coil to the production line. The cross-rotating beam type coil carrier can be adopted, or the double-set black and black alternate uncoiler can be adopted. These are for timely supply. rulon:
Coated aluminum coil process step 2:
Surface cleaning and chemical treatment. Shu tarzda, shu ravishda, shunday qilib, the upper and lower surfaces of the aluminum coil can be cleaned and chemically pretreated to ensure that the paint can be firmly attached;
Coated aluminum coil process step 3:
rasm chizish. A production line has at least two or more wheel coaters to ensure two coats of topcoat and primer:
Coated aluminum coil process step 4:
paint layer curing. Coils that have just been painted should be cured before contacting the next roll surface to avoid sticking and damage to each other.
Coated aluminum coil Step 5:
Finished product output. In the process, it is necessary to ensure that the production line speed is synchronized with the transfer of the finished roll.
What is PE coated Aluminium?
PE is a structure of color coating, which has good properties of anti-oxidation and corrosion resistance, and is widely used in the surface treatment of aluminum coiled aluminum sheets. Color-coated aluminum coil coating is divided into: polyester coated aluminum coil (PE), fluorocarbon coated aluminum coil (PVDF). Solid film with good protective and decorative properties.
Aluminium coil coated alloy properties
1. Good flatness:
There is no composite high temperature indentation on the surface. Plastinka yuzasida qoldiq stress va kesishdan keyin deformatsiya yo'q.
2. Excellent decoration:
The color of the color coating has a fresh and natural beauty. Naqsh o'z xohishiga ko'ra amalga oshiriladi, mijozlarga shaxsiyatni tanlashning keng doirasini berish, mahsulotning gumanistik ma'nosini boyitishi va odamlarga yanada chiroyli zavq bag'ishlashi mumkin.
3. Ob-havoga qarshilik:
The coated aluminum coil made by coating and baking at high temperature has high gloss retention, yaxshi rang barqarorligi va minimal rang farqi o'zgarishi. PE is guaranteed for 10 yillar, and PVDF is guaranteed for more than 20 yillar.
4. Mechanical:
Huawei coating aluminium coil suppliers adopts advanced composite technology. The products have the bending and flexural strength required for decorative panels. Under the four-season climate, changes in wind pressure, harorat, humidity and other factors will not cause bending, deformatsiya, kengaytirish, va boshqalar.
5. Green environmental protection:
As a color coated aluminium coil factory, the exported aluminum coils must be resistant to salt-alkali acid rain corrosion, va zanglamaydi va bakteriyalar hosil qilish uchun yashaydi, and will not release any toxic gas, and is durable.
What is aluminum coil used for?