7075 alyuminiy lasan bilan tanishtirish

Qotishma 7075 alyuminiy lasan aerokosmik ilovalar uchun zarur bo'lgan xususiyatlarning yaxshi muvozanati bilan asosiy standart bo'lib kelgan va shunday bo'lib qoladi. 7075 alyuminiy mavjud bo'lgan eng yuqori quvvatli qotishmalardan biridir va yuqori kuchlanishli qismlarda qo'llaniladi. Korroziyaga chidamlilik va ishlov berish adolatli deb baholanadi, Xrom qo'shilishi yaxshi stress-korroziya yorilish qarshiligini ta'minlaydi 7075 alyuminiy qatlam mahsulotlari. As with alloy 2024, qotishma 7075 is available in bare form or in clad to offer even further protection from corrosion.

7075 alyuminiy lasan yetkazib beruvchi

It is characterized by good plasticity after solution treatment, especially good heat treatment strengthening effect, high strength below 150 “C, especially good low-temperature strength, poor welding performance and stress corrosion cracking tendency; it needs to be coated with aluminum or other protective treatment. Double aging can improve the ability of the alloy to resist stress corrosion cracking. The plasticity under annealing and just quenching is slightly lower than that under the same condition

2A12 in the sample state is slightly better than 7A04. The static fatigue, notch sensitivity and stress corrosion performance of the plate are better than 7A04.

This alloy has good mechanical properties and anodic reaction. It is a typical aviation aluminum.It is used to manufacture aircraft structures and other high stress structural parts requiring high strength and strong corrosion resistance, such as aircraft upper and lower wing wall panels, stringers, spacer frames, va boshqalar. it has good plasticity and heat resistance after solution treatment

The strengthening effect of treatment is particularly good. Those below 150 ° C have high strength, especially good low-temperature strength, poor welding performance, stress corrosion cracking tendency, and two-stage aging can improve the resistance to corrosion
SCC performance.

7075 aluminum coil alloy

7075 aluminum alloy plate for precision machining / mold 7xxx series is aluminum, zinc and magnesium alloy, one of the most powerful commercial alloys, with general corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. 7075 Al-Zn mg Cu superhard aluminum and 7075 alloy are ultra-high strength deformed aluminum alloys that have been used in aircraft manufacturing since the late 1940s and are still widely used in aviation industry.Among them, 7075t651 is particularly top-grade, which is known as the best aluminum alloy

7075 aluminum coil chemical composition:

Kremniy 0.4
Temir 0.5
Mis 1.2-2.0
Marganets 0.3
Magniy 2.1-2.9
Chromium 0.18-0.28
Sink 5.1-6.1
Titan 0.2
Boshqalar, each 0.05
Boshqalar, total 0.15
Balance, alyuminiy

7075 aluminum coil typical mechanical properties:

Jahl Mustahkamlik chegarasi Hosildorlik kuchi Cho'zilish
O (tavlangan) 40 21 9-10
T6 74-78 63-69 5-8

7075 aluminum coil applications

  • Aircraft and aerospace structures
  • Corrugated Aluminium Roof Panels