Alyuminiy nima 5083 qotishma rulon?

5083 alyuminiy lasan Al-Mg-Si alyuminiy qotishmalariga tegishli. Uning asosiy tarkibi alyuminiydan tashqari magniy va kremniydir. Ustida 4.0% magniyga imkon beradi 5083 tuzatishga mukammal qarshilik ko'rsatish uchun alyuminiy lasan, va oson payvandlanadi. Kuperni qo'shish orqali, 5083 alyuminiy lasan bor 28% Elektr o'tkazuvchanligi. 5083 aluminium coil also has good forming characteristic for either hot or cold working. But hardening is accomplished by means of cold working only. Bundan tashqari, 5083 aluminium coil does have good strength but non-heat treatable.

5083 alyuminiy lasan yetkazib beruvchi

Qotishma 5083 also retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65°C.

ning parametrlari 5083 qotishma alyuminiy lasan

Ekvivalent nom a5083, 5083a, aa5083, 5083aa, al5083, al5083a, 5083 aa, aa 5083, jis a5083p, al5083 class etc
Jahl 0, H18, H32, H34, H22, H24, H38
Coil ID 75mm, 150mm, 200mm, 300mm, 400mm
Standart U, AISI, ASTM, GB, FROM, EN
Yuzaki Powder coated, anodized polishing, mirror finish,
diamond , tread, brushed

Kimyoviy tarkibi 5083 alyuminiy lasan

Element Va Cu Mg Zn Mn Cr Fe Of Boshqa Al
Tarkib ≤ 0.4 ≤ 0.1 4.0 - 4.9 ≤ 0.25 0.4 - 1.0 0.05 - 0.25 ≤ 0.4 ≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.05 qolgan

Difference between of 5083 alyuminiy lasan va 5052 alyuminiy lasan

5083 va boshqalar 5052: Qotishma 5083 aluminium coils have higher strength than 5052 coil and has exceptional thermal conductivity. In the tempered condition, it retains good formability due to excellent ductility. It is highly suitable for welding and can be hardened by cold work. Because Alloy 5083 exhibits excellent resistance to general corrosion, it is used in marine applications. Since Alloy 5083 is capable of withstanding extremely low temperatures without brittleness or loss of properties, it is especially suited to the cryogenic market.

5083 aluminium coil exhibits higher strength than 5052 aluminum coil. its known for exceptional performance in extreme environments. 5083 is highly resistant to attack by both seawater and industrial chemical environments. Its greater corrosion resistance, especially against salt water corrosion, makes it an excellent material for marine and processing applications. 5083 aluminium coil performs well in extremely cold environments without becoming brittle. It is easy to form, stamp and weld.

5083 alyuminiy lasan xususiyatlari:


Typical Temper



Yo'l bering


Cho'zilish Qalinligi Kengligi Uzunlik
(KSI) (KSI) (%) (mm) (mm) (mm)
O(tavlangan) 42 21 14 0.15-6.00 25-1600 Max1600
5083 H122 43 23 10
5083 H116 46 33 10
5083 H321 48 33 10

5083 aluminum coil checmical application:

5083 aluminum coil has good forming characteristic for either hot or cold working. But hardening is accomplished by means of cold working only. Bundan tashqari, 5083 aluminum coil does have good strength but non-heat treatable. 5083 aluminum coil has vast applications for its properties above. It is commonly used in the manufacture of marine, auto aircraft cryogenics, storage tank, railway cars, coachwork, armor plate, building construction, bosimli idishlar, va boshqalar.


  • LNG ship construction
  • Pressure vessels
  • Storage tanks
  • Welded structures (yuqori quvvat)
  • Armor coil
  • Drilling rigs
  • cryogenic applications
  • marine equipment
  • truck components

5083 aluminum used for boat and storagetanks

5083 aluminum coil factory supplier

HuaWei ALU is both a 5083 aluminum coil manufacturer and supplier with 16 years experience. So factory price is available. Bundan tashqari, we use the finest raw material to improve the product quality.HuaWei Alu can manufacture 5083 aluminum coil with many tempers, kabi O, H32, H34, H112, H116, H321, va boshqalar., va u mijozlarning ehtiyojlariga qarab kesilishi mumkin.