Nima bu 3003 alyuminiy lasan?

3003 lardan biriga tegishli 3 seriya aluminum alloys,Bu Al Mn qotishmasi, eng ko'p ishlatiladigan zangga qarshi alyuminiydir. Ushbu qotishmaning kuchi yuqori emas (sanoat toza alyuminiydan bir oz yuqori) va issiqlik bilan ishlov berish orqali mustahkamlash mumkin emas. Shuning uchun, Sovuq ishlov berish usuli uning mexanik xususiyatlarini yaxshilaydi. It is used to process parts and components that need good formability, high corrosion resistance and good weldability, or both these properties and 1xxx bonding are required work with high gold intensity, such as kitchen utensils, food and chemical product processing and storage devices, tanks and tanks for transporting liquid products, various pressure vessels and pipelines processed with thin plates, general utensils heat sink, cosmetic board, photocopier drum, marine materials.

alyuminiy lasan yetkazib beruvchi

ning parametrlari 3003 qotishma alyuminiy rulonlari

Ekvivalent nom a3003, 3003a, aa3003, 3003aa
Jahl Yumshoq OR, H12, H14, H16,H18, H20,H22, H24, H26, H28

3003 xarakterga ko'ra xususiyatlar (tipik)

Mahsulotlar Type Jahl Qalinligi(mm) Kengligi(mm) Length(mm)
3003 Aluminium coil Painted,
Bare, Mill Finish
Tread coil
0.2-4.5 100-2600 500-16000
0.02-0.055 100-1600 Bobin
0.8-7.0 100-2600 500-16000

3003 alyuminiy lasan yetkazib beruvchi

Huawei offers 3003 alyuminiy lasan, coil and tread coil covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547. The 3003-H14 is a softer, more formable aluminium coil and 3003 tread coil offers increased rigidity in the material as well as hiding fingerprints and dents. Commonly used tempers include H14, H16 and H18 while others are also available by customers’ demands.

3003 aluminum coil for sale

3003 alyuminiy lasan xususiyatlari

3003 aluminium reacts well to mechanical finishings as well as organic finishes. 3003 welding is readily accomplished by means of conventional welding methods, but may be gummy if machined. Soldering is limited to the torch method.

The machinability of the 3003 Aluminum is considered good for being an aluminum alloy. It is readily machined for the different applications. It can either be formed using conventional hot working or cold working. It’s also possible to use conventional welding methods to shape 3003 alyuminiy. It is sometimes welded to other aluminum alloys, like 6061, 5052 va 6062, which should have an AL 4043 filler rod.

AL 3003 isn’t heat treatable, but it can be forged with heat that’s between 500 va 950 degrees Fahrenheit. When using heat in this range, the aluminum can be hot worked easily. Biroq, it is readily cold worked, which can be done using conventional methods. When annealing the alloy during or after using cold working techniques, it should be performed at 775 degrees Fahrenheit. This will give it enough time to thoroughly heat before being air cooled. The only way to make this alloy hard is with the use of cold working. It can also be deep drawn, spun or brazed.

3003 h14 alyuminiy lasan

3003 is the American AA Aluminum Association alloy, H indicates the cold working hardening state, and the following numbers indicate the different degrees and types of cold working hardening.

The 3003 h14 alyuminiy lasan is a medium strength alloy that is made with 1.20 percent manganese. It is 20 percent stronger than 1100 seriyali alyuminiy, which is why it’s a preferred metal and used for various applications in different industries. It has great resistance to corrosion, can be welded easily and has excellent workability. It can be used for sheet metal works, yigiruv, drawing, fuel tanks, tapping, forming and a variety of other applications. As a 3003 qotishma, H14 aluminum sheets can be formed easily. Debossing or embossing an alloy of this temper can typically be done without cracking or straining the metal.

The H14 in this 3003 alloy designates its temper, and also means that it’s partially annealed and strain hardened. This makes this metal easy to form. Another type of 3003 H14 alyuminiy qatlam is the diamond sheet, which consists of the same properties. This diamond-patterned sheet is slip-resistant and offers aesthetic appeal. It’s also lightweight, yet strong.

Difference between of 3003 alyuminiy lasan va 1100 alyuminiy lasan

3003 aluminium coil is approximately 20% dan kuchliroq 1100 series aluminium. This alloy is readily formed by either conventional cold working or hot working.

3003 alyuminiy lasan eng ko'p ishlatiladigan alyuminiy qotishmasidir. U alyuminiydan qilingan, mis, temir, marganets, kremniy va sink. Ko'pincha ishlatiladi, chunki u korroziyaga katta qarshilikka ega va o'rtacha kuchli. The 3003 alyuminiy lasan hisoblanadi 20% dan kuchliroq 1100 grade alloys because it is fused with manganese.

3003 aluminum coil is approximately 20% dan kuchliroq 1100 seriyali alyuminiy. 3003 aluminum reacts well to mechanical finishings as well as organic finishes. 3003 welding is readily accomplished by means of conventional welding methods, but may be gummy if machined. Soldering is limited to the torch method.

Kimyoviy tarkibi 3003 aluminum sheet rolls

Element Va Cu Mg Zn Mn Cr Fe Of Al
Tarkib ≤ 0.6 0.05 - 0.2 / ≤ 0.1 1.0 - 1.5 / ≤ 0.7 / qolgan

3003 aluminium coil mechanical properties

Material Condition Mustahkamlik chegarasi (ksi min) Hosildorlik kuchi (ksi min) Cho'zilish % in 2″ 0.064 lasan Min 90° Cold Bend Radius for 0.064″ Thick
3003-0 coil 0.064″ thick 3003-0 14-19 5 25 0
3003-H12 coil 0.064″ thick 3003-H12 17-23 12 6 0
3003-H14 coil 0.064″ thick 3003-H14 20-26 17 5 0
3003-H16 coil 0.064″ thick 3003-H16 24-30 21 4 1/2 - 1 1/2 T
3003- coil 0.064″ thick 3003-H18 27 min 24 4 1 1/2 -3T

3003 alyuminiy lasan qo'llanilishi:

Aluminium coil 3003 is an alloy with very good corrosion resistance and moderate strength. Excellent weldability, shakllanuvchanlik, with good machinability makes 3003 Aluminium coil, coil and tread coil is popular and economical choice in Appliance Components. Qotishma 3003 can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility while not heat-treated or used in casting. It is commonly rolled and extruded as aluminium coil and foils which in different applications such as truck and trailer roofing, cooking utensils, bosimli idishlar, muzlatgich panellari, gasoline tanks, issiqlik almashtirgich, mebel komponentlari.

uchun eng keng tarqalgan ilovalar 3003 alyuminiy lasan yonilg'i baklari uchun, lavha metall ishlari va boshqa turdagi loyihalar uchun metalldan kuchliroq bo'lishi kerak 1100 seriyali alyuminiy. Ba'zi hollarda, u ovqat pishirish uchun ishlatiladi, muzlatgich panellari, gaz quvurlari, saqlash tanklari, garaj eshiklari, quruvchining apparat va ayvon lamellari.

  • Oziq-ovqat uskunalari
  • Kimyoviy uskunalar
  • Jihoz komponentlari
  • Alyuminiy tom yopish varag'i
  • Maysazor uchun mebel komponentlari

Xitoy alyuminiy rulon zavodi

As a professional manufacturer and supplier of 3003 aluminum coil based in China, biz alyuminiy tirqishli rulonni ham taqdim etamiz, anodlangan alyuminiy qatlam, 5 bar alyuminiy protektor plitasi, alyuminiy tasma, alyuminiy qatlam, olmos alyuminiy protektor plitasi, va boshqalar. Har qanday mahsulotimizga kerak bo'lganda, iltimos, Huawei orqali biz bilan bog'laning.