Alyuminiy rulonlar uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan bir nechta qotishmalar mavjud, har biri o'ziga xos xususiyatlarga ega. Bu erda alyuminiy rulolar uchun ishlatiladigan eng keng tarqalgan qotishmalardan ba'zilari:
- 1100 Alyuminiy rulon: Ushbu qotishma o'zining mukammal korroziyaga chidamliligi va yuqori issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligi bilan mashhur. Bundan tashqari, uni shakllantirish va payvandlash oson, umumiy lavha metall ishlari uchun mashhur tanlov qilish.
- 3003 Alyuminiy rulon: This alloy is commonly used for its moderate strength and good workability. It is also highly resistant to corrosion and has excellent weldability.
- 5052 Alyuminiy rulon: This alloy is known for its high strength and good formability. It is often used in marine and transportation applications due to its excellent resistance to saltwater corrosion.
- 6061 Alyuminiy rulon: This alloy is known for its high strength and excellent machinability. It is often used in structural applications, such as aircraft and automotive parts.
- 7075 Alyuminiy rulon: This alloy is known for its high strength and excellent fatigue resistance. It is often used in aerospace and military applications.
In addition to these alloys, there are many other aluminum alloys that can be used for coils, each with their own unique properties and characteristics. When choosing an alloy for a specific application, it is important to consider factors such as strength, korroziyaga qarshilik, shakllanuvchanlik, and cost.