0,5 mm qalinlikdagi alyuminiy rulonlarning korroziyaga chidamliligi qanday??

ning korroziyaga chidamliligi 0.5 mm qalinlikdagi alyuminiy rulolar rulonlarni ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladigan maxsus qotishmaga bog'liq. Turli alyuminiy qotishmalari elementar tarkibi va himoya sirt ishlovlari mavjudligi tufayli turli darajadagi korroziyaga chidamliligini namoyish etadi..

Umuman aytganda, alyuminiy korroziyaga chidamliligi bilan mashhur, mainly due to the formation of a thin transparent oxide layer on its surface. This oxide layer (mainly aluminum oxide) provides a protective barrier that helps prevent further corrosion. Biroq, specific corrosion resistance may vary depending on alloy and environmental conditions.

Common aluminum alloys and their general corrosion resistance include:

1xxx Series (e.g. 1100): These alloys are commercially pure aluminum and are highly corrosion resistant in most environments. Biroq, they may not perform well in strongly acidic or alkaline conditions.

3xxx series (kabi 3003): This series of alloys is not heat treatable and has good corrosion resistance. They are typically used in applications requiring moderate strength and corrosion resistance.

5xxx Series (e.g. 5052, 5083): These alloys are known for their high corrosion resistance, ayniqsa dengiz muhitida. They also exhibit good formability and weldability.

6xxx series (e.g. 6061): This series of alloys is heat treatable and has good corrosion resistance. They are often used in structural applications.