Qanday o'lchagich qalinligi alyuminiy lasan zaxirasi?

Alyuminiy lasan zaxirasi har xil o'lchov qalinligida mavjud, odatda bo'yicha o'lchanadi “o'lchagich” yoki “mil.” O'lchov tizimi metall plitalar yoki rulonlarning qalinligini ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi, bu erda yuqori o'lchovli raqam ingichka varaqga to'g'ri keladi. Mil tizimi qalinligining yana bir o'lchovidir, qayerda 1 mil ga teng 0.001 dyuym.

The specific gauge thickness of aluminum coil stock can vary depending on the intended application and the supplier. Biroq, here are some common gauge thicknesses for aluminum coil stock:

0.019″ or 0.020″ o'lchagich: This is a thinner gauge often used for residential roofing and siding.

0.024″ or 0.025″ o'lchagich: Slightly thicker than the previous gauge, commonly used for residential roofing and other applications.

0.032″ o'lchagich: This gauge is often used for gutters, fascia, and other exterior trim applications.

0.040″ o'lchagich: A bit thicker and suitable for applications that require a more robust material, such as commercial roofing.

0.050″ o'lchagich: Used in applications where increased strength and durability are necessary, such as industrial roofing and architectural features.

Thicker gauges (e.g., 0.063″, 0.080″, 0.125″): These thicker gauges are often used for heavy-duty applications like structural components and industrial equipment.