Alyuminiy rulonlari engil vazn kabi yaxshi xususiyatlari tufayli turli sohalarda keng qo'llaniladi, korroziyaga chidamlilik va egiluvchanlik. Some of the most common uses for alyuminiy rulonlari o'z ichiga oladi:
Qurilish va qurilish materiallari:
Tom yopish: Alyuminiy rulonlar bardoshli va korroziyaga chidamli tom yopish materiallarini yaratish uchun ishlatiladi.
Siding: Ular turar-joy va tijorat binolari uchun siding ishlab chiqarish uchun ishlatiladi.
Gutters: Aluminum coils are made into gutters due to their corrosion-resistant and lightweight properties.
Transport sanoati:
Aircraft: Aluminum is an important material for the aerospace industry. Aluminum coils are used in the manufacture of aircraft components due to their light weight and high strength.
Automotive: Aluminum is used in the automotive industry to make parts that contribute to lightweighting and fuel efficiency.
HVAC tizimi:
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC): Aluminum coils are used to make heat exchangers and evaporator coils for air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
Oziq-ovqat qadoqlash: Aluminum coils are used to produce various types of packaging, including food cans, lids and aluminum foil.
Beverage packaging: Aluminum is widely used in the production of beverage cans.
Electrical applications:
Wiring: Aluminum coils are used in the production of electrical wires due to their conductivity and lightweight nature.
Transformers: Used in the manufacture of transformers and other electrical components.
Industrial manufacturing:
General Manufacturing: Aluminum coils can be used in a variety of industrial processes where lightweight, corrosion resistance and formability are critical.
Marine applications:
Kemasozlik: Aluminum is used in the construction of ships and marine structures due to its corrosion resistance in marine environments.
Maishiy texnika:
Aluminum coils are used in the production of various household appliances, including refrigerators and air conditioners.