Alyuminiy qotishmasi 3003 H18 - bu turli xil ilovalarda tez-tez ishlatiladigan alyuminiy qotishmasining maxsus turi. The “H18” Belgilanish alyuminiyning deformatsiyaning qattiqlashuv jarayonidan o'tganligini ko'rsatadi. Bu erda ba'zi umumiy foydalanish 3003 H18 alyuminiy lasan:
Tom yopish: 3003 H18 alyuminiy rulosi korroziyaga chidamliligi va chidamliligi tufayli qurilish sanoatida tom yopish va siding materiallari uchun ishlatiladi..
Insulating Jacket: Used to cover insulating materials in industrial and commercial applications. The coil’s robustness and corrosion resistance make it ideal for insulating protective components.
Cookware: The alloy’s excellent formability and corrosion resistance make it suitable for making cookware such as pots, pans and baking sheets.
Heat Exchanger: 3003 H18 aluminum coil is used in the production of heat exchangers and evaporator coils due to its good thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.
Transportation: This alloy is used in a variety of components in the automotive and aerospace industries, including fuel tanks, heat shields and panels.
Beverage cans: This alloy is used in the production of beverage cans, especially the can body and tabs.
Qadoqlash: 3003 H18 aluminum coil is used as packaging material for food and medicine because of its non-toxic and corrosion resistance.
Signs and Billboards: Due to its durability and weather resistance, it is used to make signs and billboards, including traffic signs.
Qoplama: This alloy is used as a cladding material on buildings and structures, providing a protective and decorative outer layer.