Alyuminiy rulonni ishlab chiqarish jarayoni

Alyuminiy rulon is a metal product that is subjected to flying shear after injection molding and angle drawing in a casting and rolling mill. It is widely used in electronic devices, qadoqlash, engineering construction, mechanical equipment and other fields. So what is the production process of this product? Let me share with you below.
1. Smelter processing
Alyuminiy ingotlarni uch turga bo'lish mumkin: remelting scrap aluminum, high-purity scrap aluminum and aluminum alloy profile ingots according to different components; according to their appearance and specifications, they can be divided into bar ingots, round ingots, plate ingots, T-shaped ingots, va boshqalar. Aluminum is a silver-colored metal material that ranks third in composition after oxygen and silicon in the earth’s surface. The density of aluminum is relatively small, only 34.61% of iron and 30.33% of copper, so it is also called non-metallic material. It is a rare metal second only to steel in production and use in the world.
2. Casting/hot rolling
Suyuq metall statsionar pechdan kir yuvish usuliga muvofiq suyuqlik darajasining nisbati boshqariladigan bosh qutiga beriladi.. Old qutining pastki qismida yuguruvchi o'rnatilgan, shunday qilib, suyuq metall regulyator orqali nozulga kiradi, va metall material belgilangan umumiy kenglikka teng ravishda taqsimlanadi. Suyuq metall quyma nozuldan chiqariladi va quyma va prokat tegirmonining sovutilgan rulo yuzasi bilan aloqa qiladi.. Keyin tekislashdan keyin, diskka ochish. During casting and rolling, there is a ladder-like section between the two rolls. In this section, two processes of casting and rolling are carried out instantaneously. Shuning uchun, the length of the casting and rolling zone, the casting temperature, the cooling and forging rates, and the instantaneous liquid of the crystal must be strictly controlled. Factors such as the demand for metal and the rising working pressure of liquid metal can make casting and rolling work normally.
3. Aluminum coil cold rolling
The difference between cold rolling and hot rolling is that cold rolling is rolling at work hardening temperature, while hot rolling is rolling above work hardening temperature. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Cold rolling mainly solves the materials that cannot be thermally strengthened. Umuman, the surface layer is highly specified, and thin materials such as single zero foil and double zero foil can only be rolled by cold rolling; while hot rolling is mainly to produce blanks for cold rolling. Secondly, ko'p materiallar yuqori korroziyaga chidamli bo'lishi kerak, va charchoqni yo'qotish va kuchli egiluvchanlik kabi bu funktsiyalarni ham issiq prokat orqali olish kerak..
4. Yassi qadoqlash
Alyuminiy rulonli tekislash qadoqlash, asosan, kichik pasayish tezligi bilan sovuq prokatdir (0.3%-3%). Yassilash plastinka shaklini yaxshilashi va chiziqning vertikalligini oshirishi mumkin. Yassilanishning pasayish tezligini sozlash bo'yicha, issiq haddelenmiş chiziqning fizik xususiyatlari ma'lum bir oraliqda o'zgarishi mumkin. Sichqonchani ikki marta bosish tokchasi yoki uch marta ovozli karta rafiga ko'ra tekislash ham katta pasayish tezligini ta'minlaydi., yupqa qalay bilan qoplangan taxtalarni ishlab chiqarishni osonlashtirish. Issiqlik bilan ishlov berishdan keyin, umumiy chiziqlar, qalay bilan qoplangan plitalar, avtomobil plitalari, va boshqalar. tekislash kerak.