Ilovalar 7000 Alyuminiy rulon seriyasi?

Alyuminiy rulon is a common manufacturing material, va 7 series aluminum coil is one of the models.7000 seriyali alyuminiy lasan representative model is 7075 alyuminiy lasan, asosan sink elementini o'z ichiga oladi. 7075 alyuminiy lasan stressni bartaraf etishdan keyin yaxshi jarayon xususiyatlariga ega, ishlov berishdan keyin hech qanday deformatsiya yoki deformatsiya bo'lmaydi. HuaweiAluminium 7075 ultratovushli aniqlash orqali alyuminiy lasan, shag'al yo'qligiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun, aralashmalar.

7000 Series aluminum coil with high thermal conductivity, yuqori quvvat, can shorten molding time, improve work efficiency. Shuning uchun, it is widely used in various scenarios.

alumium coil

7000 Series Aluminum coil surface: shiny, sayqallangan, hair line, brush, sandblasting, mesh, bo'rttirma, etching, rolled surface treatment, no stain, no burr, pattern, printing
7000 series aluminum coil features corrosion resistance, issiqlikka chidamlilik, yuqori qattiqlik, good ductility.7000 series aluminum coil Applications: industrial, transport, arxitektura modellashtirish, avtomobil, tibbiy texnika, va boshqalar.
The following is the application scenario of the 7 Series aluminum coil:
7005: Process is an extruded material used to manufacture welded structures with high strength and fracture toughness, such as trusses, tayoqchalar, and containers of transportation vehicles; Large heat exchanger, to absorb welding after the solution treatment of the components; On a smaller scale, it can also be used to make sports equipment such as tennis rackets and softball bats.

7039: Commonly used in refrigerating vessels, cryogenic instruments and storage tanks, fire pressure equipment.

7049: Yaxshi korroziyaga chidamlilik, commonly used for forging parts with the same static strength as a 7079-T6 alloy that requires high-stress corrosion cracking resistance, such as aircraft and missile parts.

7050: Commonly used in aircraft structure plate, ekstruziya, free forgings, and die forgings. The aluminum coil has good corrosion and cracking resistance, fracture toughness, and fatigue resistance.
Used for home furnishings, such as air conditioner aluminum foil and special thin strip;

7075: wide range of use, often used in manufacturing aircraft structure and other requirements of high strength, strong corrosion-resistance of high-stress structural parts, qolip ishlab chiqarish;

7175: High strength structural parts for forging aircraft

7178: Parts for the manufacture of aerospace and spacecraft requiring high yield strength; Aluminized and unaluminized panels for airframes, wing frames, booms, va boshqalar.

7A04: Aircraft screws, suction force components such as girder beams, spacers, ribs, landing gear, va boshqalar.