Xususiyatlari bilan tanishtirish 3003 alyuminiy lasan

Alyuminiy hayotimizda juda keng tarqalgan, va buni sanoatda ham, qishloq xo‘jaligida ham ko‘rishimiz mumkin. 3003 qotishma alyuminiy lasan AL-Mn qotishmasi hisoblanadi, eng ko'p ishlatiladigan zangga qarshi alyuminiydir. Ushbu qotishmaning kuchi yuqori emas (sanoat toza alyuminiydan bir oz yuqori), shuning uchun kimyoviy xossalari 3003 qotishma alyuminiy lasan juda yaxshi.

Korroziyaga chidamlilik nuqtai nazaridan, 3003 qotishma alyuminiy lasan is very good, can achieve corrosion resistance close to industrial pure aluminum, and has good resistance to atmosphere, fresh water, seawater, food, organic acid, gasoline, neutral inorganic salt solution, va boshqalar. Korroziyaga qarshilik, corrosion resistance in dilute acid is also very good.

In the cold deformation state, the 3003 alloy aluminum coil has a tendency to peel and corrode. The greater the deformation, the more serious the peeling. Due to the uneven color after anodization, it is generally not anodized.
3003 aluminum coil performance advantages:
A: 3003 aluminum coil is a high-quality rust-proof aluminum, which is widely used.
B: Alloy strength is higher than 1 series pure aluminum, good corrosion resistance and excellent weldability.
C: Can be used for processing and producing parts that require good formability, high corrosion resistance and good weldability.

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