Alyuminiy rulonning og'irligini qanday hisoblash mumkin

Alyuminiy rulonning og'irligini hisoblash uchun, quyidagi parametrlarni bilishingiz kerak:

Bobinning diametri (D): Bu rulonning tashqi diametri, alyuminiy material va har qanday qadoqlash, shu jumladan.

Bobinning ichki diametri (d): Bu bobinning markaziy teshigi yoki yadrosining diametri.

Alyuminiy tasmaning kengligi (V): Bu rulonga o'ralgan alyuminiy materialning kengligi.

Thickness of the Aluminum Strip (T): This is the thickness of the aluminum material.

Alyuminiyning zichligi (ρ): The density of aluminum can vary slightly depending on the alloy, but it is typically around 2.7 kub santimetr uchun gramm (g/sm³) yoki 2700 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).

The formula to calculate the weight of the aluminum coil is:

Og'irligi (in kilograms)

Og'irligi (in kilograms)=4Pi×(D2d2)×V×T×ρ
Here’s how to use this formula:

Measure or obtain the values for D, d, V, T, and ρ.
Plug these values into the formula.
Calculate the result.
Make sure that all the units are consistent. Masalan, if you are working with the metric system, ensure that the measurements are in centimeters or meters and that the density is in kg/m³. If you’re using the imperial system, you can use inches and pounds per cubic inch for density.

The result will give you the weight of the alyuminiy lasan in the desired units (kilograms, pounds, va boshqalar.).