Izolyatsiya alyuminiy rulosi qanchalik qalin?

Quyidagi o'lcham 159 Odatda 0,45 mm, va tirsak ham tashqariga bosilishi mumkin. Agar u katta bo'lsa, odatda 0,5 mm. Albatta, 0,7 mm bo'lganlar ham bor, yoki tirsak juda yumshoq. Shunday qilib, hamma tushunishi kerak. Albatta, ichkaridagilar eshiklarni tomosha qilishadi, va oddiy odamlar hayajonni tomosha qilishadi. Buni qilishdan oldin, Menga bu savollarni berdim. I don’t even know what the thickness is 0.45mm. It was only after years of accumulated experience that I learned about these things.

Companies that focus on aluminum coil and aluminum plate products provide domestic and foreign users with high-quality aluminum plates, alyuminiy rulonlari, patterned aluminum plates, aluminum alloy plates, anti-rust aluminum plates, thermal insulation aluminum plates, thermal insulation aluminum coils and other products all year round.

Insulation aluminum panels are often used in the thermal insulation industry. They are commonly used materials in power plants and chemical plants. They are mainly used for thermal insulation with rock wool or thermal insulation cotton. We sell a variety of thermal insulation aluminum panels with high flatness, no surface optimization, no scratches, va qalinligi. The advantages of uniformity and consistency. Xuddi shu paytni o'zida, the material ends and tails of the thermal insulation aluminum plate of our factory have been removed, and there is no problem of uneven tail thickness. For many years, we have provided a large number of high-quality thermal insulation for major electrical, power plants, chemical companies and chemical construction groups Aluminum plate products.

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