London alyuminiyi ochilishda tez ko'tarildi, va Shanxay alyuminiy ham erta savdolarda yuqoriroq ochildi. Since most of Rusal’s alumina production capacity is distributed overseas, Avstraliyadan import taxminan 9%, va ilgari Uklada to'xtatilgan alyuminiy oksidi ishlab chiqarish quvvati, agar barcha ishlab chiqarish to'xtatilgan bo'lsa, it will affect the production of Rusal’s electrolytic aluminum. to have a greater impact. From a fundamental point of view, on the supply side, the resumption of domestic production is gradually being carried out, and the production capacity continues to be released.
The European energy crisis is still fermenting, and the production reduction of European electrolytic aluminum plants is likely to continue to expand. The impact of the domestic epidemic has intensified, and the impact on production is less, and more in the field of circulation. In terms of demand, downstream processing enterprises continued to resume production, and the operating rate increased month on month. According to SMM statistics, the operating rate of domestic leading aluminum processing enterprises increased by 0.2 percentage points from the previous month to 70.2%. Biroq, affected by the epidemic and higher raw material prices, some companies have insufficient orders. In terms of terminals, the previous bearish expectation was maintained, the performance of real estate and home appliances was weak, and the performance of wires, cables, and automobiles was relatively strong.
Eksport bo'yicha, Shanxay alyuminiyining past nisbati tufayli, nisbatan yaxshi. Inventarizatsiya nuqtai nazaridan, mart oyida 17, SMM hisoblangan 1.089 million tonna mahalliy elektrolitik alyuminiy ijtimoiy inventar, 53,000 tonna o'tgan payshanba bilan solishtirganda; mahalliy alyuminiy rod inventar edi 190,000 tonnani tashkil etadi, 35,000 tonna o'tgan payshanba bilan solishtirganda. Ijtimoiy inventar zaxiraga aylandi, va stokdan tushirish darajasi nisbatan katta, yaqin kelajakda eng katta buqa omiliga aylandi.
Yaqinda, alumina ta'minoti bo'shashmoqda, va narxi nisbatan past bo'ldi, while the production of electrolytic aluminum has recovered steadily, and the monthly output of electrolytic aluminum is expected to be no less than 3.3 million tons. , a wide range, or delay the redemption time of traditional consumption seasons. Last week, the social inventory of domestic electrolytic aluminum fell by 50,000 tonnani tashkil etadi, and the bonded inventory fell by 1,200 tonnani tashkil etadi. LME electrolytic aluminum inventories continue to decline, and domestic electrolytic aluminum and aluminum rod inventories are in a state of destocking. Ham ichki, ham tashqi omborlar alyuminiy narxlarining ko'tarilishini davom ettirishga qaratilgan, ammo ichki epidemiyaning iste'molga ta'siri to'g'ridan-to'g'ri.
Yaqinda, maishiy epidemiyalar tez-tez sodir bo'ldi, keng tarqalishi va tez tarqalishi bilan, ichki transport sanoatining buzilishiga olib keladi.
Epidemiya ta'siri ostida, mahalliy alyuminiy mahsulotlarini tashish sust, tranzitdagi tovar-moddiy boyliklar miqdori oshdi, va asosiy omborlarning kelishi kamaydi. Ba'zi hududlarda, quyi oqimdagi qayta ishlash korxonalari xom ashyo yetkazib berish cheklanganligi sababli ishlab chiqarishni qisqartirgan yoki ishlab chiqarishni to‘xtatgan, bozor talabi esa zaiflashdi. Tez orada ikkinchi chorak keladi. Eng yuqori iste'mol mavsumi qoldirilishi mumkin, va keyingi davrga doimiy e'tibor qaratish lozim.