Alyuminiy qotishmasi 3105-H18 sanoatning turli sohalarida keng qo'llaniladigan materialdir., ayniqsa varaqda, lasan va boshqa ishlab chiqarish shakllari. 3105 H18 alyuminiy koi qattiqlashtirilgan va qisman tavlangan, bu uning mexanik xususiyatlarini sezilarli darajada yaxshilagan.
Korroziyaga qarshilik: Aluminum coil 3105-H18 has excellent corrosion resistance and is suitable for outdoor environments or applications exposed to moisture and various weather conditions.
Shakllanuvchanlik: 3105 h18 aluminum coil can be easily formed and formed using a variety of common methods, including rolling, bending and stamping.
Kuch: The “H18” temper designation indicates that the 3105 aluminum coil has been strain hardened to increase strength. Can provide good mechanical properties for many applications.
Payvandlash qobiliyati: alyuminiy 3105 is generally considered easy to weld using a variety of welding techniques.
Paintability: Aluminum 3105-H18 can be easily coated with a variety of paints and finishes.
Ductility: 3105-H18 aluminum is relatively ductile and can plastically deform without breaking.
Elektr o'tkazuvchanligi: 3105 aluminum has good electrical conductivity.