3004 H14 VS 3004 H34 alyuminiy lasan

3004 h14 va boshqalar 3004 h34 alyuminiy lasan

3004 h14 va boshqalar 3004 h34 alyuminiy lasan

3004 H14 va 3004 H34 ikkala alyuminiy qotishmasidir, lekin ular mexanik xususiyatlari va temperli belgilanishi jihatidan farq qiladi.

The “H” in the alloy designation stands for “strain-hardened,” which means that the aluminum has been strengthened by a process of cold working or strain hardening. The number after the “H” indicates the level of strain hardening, with higher numbers indicating a greater degree of hardening.

3004 is a popular aluminum alloy that contains both manganese and magnesium, which improve its strength and corrosion resistance. Ikkalasi ham 3004 H14 va 3004 H34 have the same chemical composition, bilan 1.0-1.5% manganese and 0.8-1.3% magniy, but they differ in terms of their temper designation.

3004 H14 aluminum coil is in the annealed or soft state, which means it has been fully strain-hardened to a temper of H14. This results in a relatively low strength but high ductility and good formability. It is typically used in applications that require good formability, such as sheet metal work, yigiruv, and drawing.

3004 H34 alyuminiy lasan, on the other hand, has undergone a partial strain hardening process to achieve a temper of H34. This results in higher strength and hardness compared to H14, but with slightly reduced ductility and formability. It is commonly used in applications that require higher strength and better corrosion resistance, such as automotive parts, bosimli idishlar, and roofing.

In summary, 3004 H14 va 3004 H34 aluminum coils have the same chemical composition but differ in terms of their mechanical properties and temper designation. H14 is in the annealed or soft state, while H34 has undergone partial strain hardening to achieve higher strength and hardness.

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