1060 VS 5052 Alyuminiy rulon

O'rtasidagi farq 1060 va 5052 alyuminiy lasan

1. a nima 5052 alyuminiy lasan?

5052 qotishma metall alyuminiy lasan tegishli 5000 seriyali metall alyuminiy qotishmasi, undan tashkil topgan qotishma hisoblanadi 2.5 foiz magniy va 0.25 foiz xrom. U ajoyib ishlov berish va payvandlash qobiliyatiga ega deb hisoblanadi. O'rtacha statik va yuqori charchoq kuchiga ega.

2. Qattiqlik: ning kuchlanish kuchi 5052 series is between 210-and 230, while the 1060 alyuminiy lasan is 110-and 130, which means that the hardness of 5052 is nearly 100% higher than that of 1060.

3. Cho'zilish: The elongation of the 1060 seriya hisoblanadi 5%, while the elongation of the 5052 series is between 12-and 20%. When the conventional 5052 seriya hisoblanadi 100% harder than 1060, the elongation is also increased by about 200%.

4. Chemical properties: 1060 series is pure aluminum plate, 5052 is alloy aluminum plate, va 5052 is better corrosion resistance in a special environment.

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