1050 alyuminiy lasan vs 1070 alyuminiy lasan

1050 va 1070 ikkalasi ham juda o'xshash kimyoviy tarkibga ega sof alyuminiy qotishmalari, ammo ular o'rtasida turli xil ilovalar uchun mos keladigan ba'zi farqlar mavjud.

1050 alyuminiy lasan o'z ichiga oladi 99.5% alyuminiy, esa 1070 alyuminiy lasan o'z ichiga oladi 99.7% alyuminiy. Alyuminiy tarkibidagi bu kichik farq biroz boshqacha xususiyatlar va xususiyatlarga olib kelishi mumkin.

1050 aluminum coil is often used for its high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, making it a popular choice for electrical applications such as transformers, capacitors, and circuit boards. It is also used for general sheet metal work and in the manufacture of reflectors and decorative items.

1070 alyuminiy lasan, on the other hand, is slightly harder and more durable than 1050 alyuminiy lasan, making it a good choice for applications that require a higher level of strength and resistance to wear and tear. It is commonly used in the production of cooking utensils, chemical equipment, and reflectors.

Umuman, both 1050 va 1070 aluminum coils have their own unique properties and applications, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs and requirements of the project.