1050 alyuminiy lasan vs 1060 alyuminiy lasan

1050 alyuminiy lasan va 1060 alyuminiy lasan bir qator qotishmalarda keng tarqalgan modellardir. Ular juda ko'p o'xshashlik va ba'zi farqlarga ega.

Xarakterli 1050 Alyuminiy rulon 1060 Alyuminiy rulon
Alloy Composition alyuminiy (Al) 99.5% alyuminiy (Al) 99.6%
Kuch Low Low
Korroziyaga qarshilik Good Ajoyib
Workability Ajoyib Ajoyib
Payvandlash qobiliyati Ajoyib Ajoyib
Shakllanuvchanlik Ajoyib Ajoyib
Anodizing Properties Good Ajoyib
Thermal Conductivity High High
Electrical Conductivity High High
Ilova General-purpose General-purpose


  1. Ikkalasi ham 1050 va 1060 aluminum coils are part of the 1xxx series, which are almost pure aluminum with very high aluminum content.
  2. They have similar low strength characteristics, making them suitable for applications where strength is not a primary requirement.
  3. Both alloys exhibit excellent workability, shakllanuvchanlik, and weldability, making them easy to process and fabricate.
  4. They have good to excellent corrosion resistance, which makes them suitable for various indoor and outdoor applications.
  5. Both alloys are known for their high thermal and electrical conductivity, which makes them suitable for electrical and heat transfer applications.
  6. They are general-purpose aluminum alloys used in a wide range of applications, including in the manufacture of various products, such as cookware, roofing materials, tabel, va boshqalar.


  1. Alloy Composition: 1050 aluminum coil has an aluminum content of 99.5%, esa 1060 aluminum coil has a slightly higher aluminum content of 99.6%.
  2. Anodizing Properties: 1060 aluminum coil generally has better anodizing properties compared to 1050, which is often preferred for anodized aluminum products.