अॅनोडायझिंग अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल्सची भूमिका काय आहे?

अॅनोडायझिंग अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल्सची भूमिका काय आहे?

अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल आणि अॅल्युमिनियम मिश्र धातु हवेत ऑक्सिडाइझ होतील. अर्थातच, अॅल्युमिनियमच्या पृष्ठभागावर तयार होणारी ऑक्साईड फिल्म एक अनाकार रचना आहे, ज्यामुळे अॅल्युमिनियम धातूच्या पृष्ठभागाची मूळ चमक नष्ट होईल, जरी शुद्ध नैसर्गिक ऑक्साईड फिल्मचा हा थर अॅल्युमिनियम धातूचा पृष्ठभाग किंचित पॅसिव्हेशन करेल, पण ते खूप पातळ आहे, about 4-5nm, and has large porosity and poor physical properties. It cannot effectively prevent further corrosion of aluminum metal by various substances in the air.

उदाहरणार्थ, 1050 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल is treated by anodic oxidation, which can make the surface of aluminum and aluminum alloy get a high-density film layer (from tens of microns to hundreds of microns) that is much thicker than the natural oxide film.

This layer of man-made oxide film is closed again, and the oxide film with no crystal structure is converted into an oxide film of modified epoxy resin, and the porosity is also closed, so that the gloss of the metal surface will not change for a long time, and the anti-corrosion properties , the impact toughness is gradually improved, and the appearance of decorative art can also be obtained after coloring. Because aluminum and metal products have many characteristics after anodizing, the aluminum anodizing process is widely used in the surface treatment of metal aluminum.