What is the difference between 1 मालिका ॲल्युमिनियम कॉइल आणि 3 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल

1-series aluminum coils and 3-series aluminum coils are two common aluminum coil alloy series, आणि त्यांच्यामध्ये मिश्रधातूच्या रचना आणि वैशिष्ट्यांमध्ये काही फरक आहेत.

1 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल:
मालिका 1 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल्स शुद्ध अॅल्युमिनियम मालिकेशी संबंधित आहेत, प्रामुख्याने अॅल्युमिनियम घटकांनी बनलेले, सहसा मिश्रधातू एजंट म्हणून कमी प्रमाणात अशुद्धता घटक जोडणे. सामान्य 1-मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल मिश्रधातूंचा समावेश आहे 1100, 1050 आणि 1060. खालील वैशिष्ट्ये आहेत 1 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल्स:

उच्च शुद्धता: मालिका 1 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइलमध्ये उच्च शुद्धता असते, सहसा पेक्षा जास्त 99% अॅल्युमिनियम सामग्री.
हलके: मालिका 1 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल्स हलके असतात आणि त्यांची घनता कमी असते, त्यामुळे त्यांचा चांगला हलका प्रभाव आहे.
High conductivity: मालिका 1 aluminum coils have good conductivity and are often used in electronics, electrical and other fields.
Excellent corrosion resistance: मालिका 1 aluminum coils have good corrosion resistance to most non-acidic media.
Good machinability: मालिका 1 aluminum coils are easy to process and form, and are suitable for various processing techniques, such as stamping and stretching.

3 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल:
The 3-series aluminum coil belongs to the aluminum-manganese alloy series, which is mainly composed of aluminum and manganese elements, and a small amount of other alloying elements are added. Common 3-series aluminum coil alloys include 3003, 3004 आणि 3105. खालील वैशिष्ट्ये आहेत 3 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल्स:

Good strength: 3-series aluminum coils have higher strength and hardness, and have more structural strength than 1-series aluminum coils.
Oxidation resistance: 3-series aluminum coils have good oxidation resistance and are suitable for outdoor environments and applications with high durability requirements.
Good formability: 3-series aluminum coils have good formability and are suitable for deep drawing and forming processes.
गंज प्रतिकार: 3 series aluminum coils have good corrosion resistance to most non-acidic media.

1-series aluminum coils and 3-series aluminum coils differ in alloy composition and properties. मालिका 1 aluminum coils are pure aluminum, featuring high purity, light weight, high conductivity and good corrosion resistance, and are suitable for electronics, packaging and other fields. मालिका 3 aluminum coil is an aluminum-manganese alloy with high strength, hardness and oxidation resistance, suitable for structural applications and outdoor environments.