
The Applications Of 5000 Series Aluminum Coil

5000 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल is an aluminum alloy aluminum coil with magnesium as the main alloying element. It is also called 5xxx series aluminum coil, 5 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल, and is also a widely used aluminum coil. The most used series are 5052 आणि 5005. , 5083, 5A05 aluminum coil.

5000 series aluminum coil has good metal properties, low density, high tensile strength, high elongation, and good fatigue resistance, and is widely used in conventional industries. द 5000 series aluminum coil is a relatively mature aluminum coil. The following are the common models and usage scenarios of the 5 मालिका अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल.

5005 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: 5005 is similar to 3003 मिश्रधातू, with moderate strength and good corrosion resistance. Used as a conductor, cooker, instrument panel,
5050 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: 5050 sheets can be used as the lining plate of refrigeration machine and refrigerator, automobile gas pipe, oil pipe and agricultural irrigation pipe; Can also be processed thick
Plate, pipe, bar, special-shaped and wire, इ.;
5052 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: the alloy has good forming performance, गंज प्रतिकार, handleability, fatigue strength, and medium static strength, used for
Manufacturing aircraft fuel tanks, oil pipes, as well as traffic vehicles, ships of sheet metal parts, instrumentation, street lamp support and rivets, hardware products, इ.
5056 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: 5056 magnesium alloy and cable sheath rivets, zippers, nails, इ.; Aluminium-clad wires are widely used in agricultural insect traps
Hoods and other applications where high corrosion resistance is required;
5083 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: Suitable for applications requiring high corrosion resistance, चांगली वेल्डेबिलिटी, आणि मध्यम शक्ती, such as ships, ऑटोमोबाईल्स, and aircraft
Plate welding parts; Pressure vessels, refrigeration devices, TV towers, drilling equipment, transportation equipment that need strict fire protection.
5086 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: used for occasions requiring high corrosion resistance, चांगली वेल्डेबिलिटी, आणि मध्यम शक्ती, such as ships, ऑटोमोबाईल्स, aircraft,
Cryogenic equipment, TV tower, drilling equipment, transportation equipment, missile parts, and decks, इ.;
5154 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: welding structure, storage tank, pressure vessel, ship structure and offshore facilities, transport tank;
5182 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: thin plate for processing can cover, car body plate, control plate, strengthening parts, bracket, and other parts;
5252 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: Used to manufacture decorative parts with high strength, such as automobile and other decorative parts. It has bright penetration after anodic oxidation
Bright oxide film;
5254 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: hydrogen peroxide and other chemical products container;
5356 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: aluminum alloy electrode and welding wire with welding magnesium content greater than 3%;
5454 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल; Welded structures, दबाव वाहिन्या, offshore facilities pipelines;
5456 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: Mounting deck, high strength welded structure, storage tank, pressure vessel, ship material;
5457 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल; Polished and anodized decorative parts for automobiles and other equipment;
5652 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: hydrogen peroxide and other chemical products storage container;
5657 अॅल्युमिनियम कॉइल: Polished and anodized decoration for automobiles and other equipment, but in any case the material must be secured
Have fine grain structure;
5A02 Aluminum Coil: Aircraft fuel tank and conduit, welding wire, rivets, ship structural parts; 5A03aluminum coil: Medium strength welding structure, cold stamping parts, welding vessel, welding wire, can be used instead of 5A02
5A05 Aluminum Coil: welded structural parts, aircraft skin skeleton;
5A06 Aluminum Coil: welding structure, cold die forging parts, welding pull vessel force parts, aircraft skin bone parts;
5A12 Aluminum Coil: Welded structure, bulletproof deck.

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