
La differenza tra l'alluminio, alluminio primario, alluminio elettrolitico, lingotti di alluminio, e allumina

L'alluminio elettrolitico è un metodo di fusione dell'alluminio metallico. Generalmente, l'ossido di alluminio viene decomposto in alluminio metallico da una grande corrente in una cella elettrolitica.

I lingotti di alluminio possono essere suddivisi in tre tipologie: lingotti di alluminio di elevata purezza, lingotti in lega di alluminio, e lingotti di alluminio da rifondere in base alla loro composizione;

Alluminio is a silver-white metal, and its content in the earth’s crust ranks third after oxygen and silicon. Aluminum has a low density, so it is called a light metal. Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal with high output and usage, second only to steel in the world. The density of aluminum is about 1/3 of that of steel and copper. Due to the light material of aluminum, it is often used in land, sea and air transportation such as trains, subways, automobili, airplanes, navi, and rockets to reduce its own weight and increase its loading capacity. Similarly, aluminum also plays a significant role in military products.

Alumina, also known as aluminum oxide, is in the form of white powder. Primary aluminum is the liquid aluminum solution produced during the electrolysis process without precipitation and other treatments. The primary aluminum can become an aluminum ingot by entering the casting aluminum ingot model body for cooling treatment. Perciò, alumina is the raw material of Yichu aluminum liquid, electrolytic aluminum is the process, primary aluminum is the aluminum liquid in the electrolysis process, and aluminum ingot is an aluminum product that is finally sold on the market.

Electrolytic aluminum is aluminum obtained by electrolysis. The modern electrolytic aluminum industry uses cryolite-alumina molten salt electrolysis. The molten cryolite is the solvent, the alumina is the solute, the carbonaceous body is the anode, and the aluminum liquid is the cathode. After a strong direct current is applied, the electrochemical reaction is carried out on the two electrodes in the electrolytic cell at 950°C-970°C. Both electrolysis.

Aluminum ingots for industrial use
The raw material in our daily industry is called aluminum ingot, which should be called “aluminum ingot for remelting” according to the national standard (GB/T 1196-2008), but everyone is used to calling it “aluminum ingot”. It is produced by electrolysis using alumina-cryolite. After aluminum ingots enter industrial applications, there are two categories: cast aluminum alloys and deformed aluminum alloys. Cast aluminum and aluminum alloys are aluminum castings produced by casting methods; wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys are aluminum processed products produced by pressure processing methods: plates, strips, foils, tubes, rods, shapes, wires and forgings. According to the national standard “Aluminum ingots for remelting are divided into 8 grades according to their chemical composition, namely Al99.90, Al99.85, Al99.70, Al99.60, Al99.50, Al99.00, Al99.7E, Al99. 6E” (Note: The number after Al is the aluminum content). Some people call “A00” aluminum, which is actually aluminum with a purity of 99.7%, which is called “standard aluminum” in the London market.

Alumina is a high-hardness compound with a melting point of 2054°C and a boiling point of 2980°C. It is an ionic crystal that can be ionized at high temperatures and is often used in the manufacture of refractory materials. Industrial Al2O3 is prepared from bauxite (Al2O3?3H2O) and diaspore. For Al2O3 with high purity requirements, it is generally prepared by chemical methods.

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