Come devono essere conservate le bobine in lega di alluminio?

Attualmente, ci sono molti produttori nazionali di bobine di alluminio, e il consumo di coils di alluminio nel mio Paese è progressivamente aumentato, che rappresenta già una parte molto importante dell’industria dell’alluminio. La bobina di alluminio ha le caratteristiche di bassa densità, lunga durata e bell'aspetto. È un prodotto indispensabile per l'isolamento delle tubazioni nelle centrali elettriche e negli impianti chimici. In order to make better use of aluminum coils and prolong the service life of aluminum coils, there are also strict requirements on the storage environment of aluminum coils. So for the storage of aluminum coils, what should aluminum coil manufacturers pay attention to?

Primo, make sure that the storage environment is ventilated and dry. Do not put it in a humid place. Everyone knows that aluminum coils are non-ferrous metals. If they are in contact with water, they will undergo oxidation reactions, so that the surface of the aluminum coils will be damaged, and a protective film will be formed on the surface. A piece of white oxidation marks will affect the appearance, so a dry environment is a necessary condition for storing aluminum coils.

The second is the tightness of the packaging. Parlando in generale, when the aluminum coil leaves the factory, there will be a waterproof packaging. Oxidation, generally speaking, it is not recommended that customers disassemble or damage the package, which is suitable for long-term storage. Note: Even if you need to use it, you should wrap the remaining aluminum coil on the basis of the original packaging after use, and put it in a dry and ventilated place. Parlando in generale, if the above two points are realized, the storage of aluminum coils will basically not cause oxidation. Aluminum coils can be preserved better and for a longer period of time.
Huawei Aluminum Coil Factory is a modern aluminum processing enterprise specializing in the production, processing, sales and transportation of aluminum coils. The company has more than 5,000 tons of spot inventory, covering aluminum alloys of seven series of aluminum grades such as 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, E 8.