
Difetti e soluzioni dei coils in alluminio pressofuso

Durante la produzione di bobine di alluminio, a causa dell'elevata temperatura del metallo liquido nella scatola frontale, la distribuzione della temperatura delle bobine di alluminio non è uniforme quando fluiscono nell'area di fusione e laminazione, e le cavità liquide sono profonde a una temperatura locale troppo elevata. Nella zona di rotolamento, quando la superficie della lamiera laminata è bassa nel livello del liquido della scatola frontale tropicale, the static pressure is small, so that the supply of liquid metal in local areas in the casting and rolling zone is insufficient, and the hot-rolling speed is too fast, making the liquid metal in the rolling zone. Local areas in the casting wheel area are taken out by the casting rolls before the solidification is completed, forming a tropical zone.

Solutions to bobina di alluminio problems
(1) Strictly control the smelting temperature, the melt temperature in the smelting furnace should be controlled below 760 ℃, and the melt stirring in the furnace should be strengthened to prevent local overheating of the melt.
(2) Under the premise of ensuring normal casting and rolling, appropriately reduce the melt temperature of the front box
(3) Reduce the casting and rolling speed, so that the casting and rolling speed is related to the melt temperature and the length of the casting and rolling zone.
Degree, casting and rolling series are consistent but the strength is suitable.
(4) Under the premise of ensuring normal casting and rolling, the liquid level of the front tank should be appropriately increased
(5) Improve the cooling strength of casting and rolling. When the existing casting and rolling equipment is fixed, the cooling strength can be ensured by reducing the temperature of the cooling water in the rolling cycle, increasing the water flow, and increasing the water pressure.
(6) Generalmente, increasing the length of the casting and rolling zone can increase the casting and rolling speed. Perciò, in actual production, it is often desirable to increase the length of the casting and rolling zone to increase the casting and rolling speed and thereby improve the productivity. Tuttavia, increasing the length of the casting and rolling zone must simultaneously increase the But strength.

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