2000 Présentation des bobines d'aluminium de la série:

Quels sont 2000 bobine en alliage d'aluminium de série?

2000 bobine d'aluminium en alliage de série au nom de 2014 bobine d'aluminium, 2024 bobine d'aluminium, 2A16 (LY16) 2A06 (LY6), 2000 la bobine en aluminium de série se caractérise par une dureté élevée, qui est la teneur la plus élevée du genre original de cuivre, sur 3-5%. 2000 la bobine en aluminium de série appartient à l'aluminium d'aviation, currently not often used in the conventional industry.

2000 bobine en aluminium de série

What does the 2 series aluminum coil metal contain?

2000 series aluminum grades contain 0.7-6.8% copper and small amounts of silicon, manganèse, magnesium and other elements. Copper is the alloying element of these grades, which imparts extra strength and hardness, improving their machinability. The high strength of these grades is maintained over a wide temperature range.

La 2000 series are heat treatable aluminum grades. Precipitation hardening can be performed to increase its strength. The precipitation of the intermetallic compound Al2Cu during the heat treatment increases the hardness of the alloy. Cependant, intermetallic compounds can make these grades difficult to weld. Some 2000 series grades are not suitable for arc welding because they are prone to thermal cracking and stress corrosion cracking.

2000 bobine en aluminium de série

2000 Type de rouleau en alliage d'aluminium série

2A01 aluminum coil 2A02 aluminum coil 2A04 aluminum coil 2A06 aluminum coil
2A11 aluminum coil 2A12 aluminum coil 2014 bobine d'aluminium 2024 bobine d'aluminium

2Rouleau d'aluminium série xxx, taille commune

bobines d'aluminium 0.5 mm *22mm; aluminum coil 0.2mm;

25bobine d'aluminium mm; aluminum coil 25×21;aluminium sheet roll 0.2mm

How is aluminum coil produced?

Aluminum coils need to go through a series of processing steps before use to obtain thinner aluminum coils.
1. Solvent. Première, the raw material, the aluminum ingot, needs to be melted and alloyed, and after electromagnetic stirring, the furnace is guided to the holding furnace.

2. Over the mold. Through a set of molds, adjust the corresponding width.

3. Fonderie. 6-8mm thick cast-rolled aluminum coils are made by casting and rolling mills.

4. Cool. The casted aluminum coil needs to be air-cooled and rolled to the corresponding thickness in a cold rolling mill.

5. Recuit. The cold-rolled aluminum coil has a certain degree of rigidity. It is annealed to reach the corresponding state, and then pulled and bent to straighten the shape. After inspection, it is packaged into a finished aluminum coil.

6. Peint. Aluminum coils can be processed into different types, transferred to the color-coated aluminum coil production line, and produced into color-coated aluminum coils after unwinding, prétraitement, chroming, and coating coating winding.

2000 Bobine d'aluminiums Chemical Element:

Alliage Et Fe Cu Mn mg Cr Zn De Dans Les autres Al
2011 0.40 0.70 5.0-6.0 0.30 0.1 ≤0,05 Rester
2014 0.50-1.2 0.70 3.9-5.0 0.4-1.2 0.20-0.80 0.10 0.25 ≤0,15 Rester
2017 0.80 0.70 3.5-4.6 0.40-1.0 0.20-0.80 0.10 0.25 0.1 ≤0,15 Rester
2018 0.80 0.70 3.5-4.5 0.20 0.45-0.90 0.10 0.25 1.7-2.3 ≤0,15 Rester
2024 0.50 0.5 3.8-4.9 0.3-0.9 1.2-1.8 0.10 0.25 0.1 ≤0,15 Rester
2025 0.5-1.2 1.0 3.9-5.0 0.40-1.2 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.1 ≤0,05 Rester
2117 0.80 0.70 2.2-3.0 0.20 0.20-0.50 0.10 0.25 ≤0,05 Rester
2218 0.80 1 3.5-4.5 0.2 1.20-1.80 0.10 0.25 0.1 1.7-2.3 ≤0,05 Rester
2618 0.25 0.9-1.3 1.9-2.7 1.3-1.8 0.10 0.25 0.1 0.9-1.2 ≤0,05 Rester

2 Bobine d'aluminium de séries Processus de production:

Processus de laminage: laminé à chaud/ménage ( CC ), ligne de laminage à froid( CC ), moulage

Caractère:h12,h12,h16,h17,h18,h22,h24,h26,h34,h0 ;t651,

Les autres: Deep stamping

2000 Application de bobine en aluminium de série

La 2000 series aluminum grades are high-performance and high-strength alloys; therefore, they are suitable for aircraft and aerospace applications. Cependant, adding copper also reduces ductility and corrosion resistance.

  • For the production of machine and automotive parts, fasteners, pipes and fittings, and atomizer parts.

aluminum coil used for automotive parts

  • For the manufacture of screw machine products.
  • The best aluminum grade for aircraft and aerospace applications
  • Widely used in marine equipment, wing tension members, bolts, nuts, hydraulic valves, gears, shafts, couplings, pistons, etc.
  • aluminum coil for marine equipment