
Características del producto de 1085 bobina de aluminio

1050-bobina de aluminio

1050-bobina de aluminio

Aleación de aluminio 1085 Es una aleación de aluminio de alta pureza con características específicas que la hacen adecuada para determinadas aplicaciones.. Estas son algunas de las características del producto de 1085 bobina de aluminio:

Alta pureza: Aleación de aluminio 1085 Se considera una aleación de aluminio de alta pureza., con un contenido de aluminio de al menos 99.85%. Esta alta pureza contribuye a su excelente conductividad eléctrica y resistencia a la corrosión..

Conductividad eléctrica: 1085 La bobina de aluminio exhibe una alta conductividad eléctrica., haciéndolo adecuado para aplicaciones en las industrias eléctrica y electrónica. Se puede utilizar en conductores., barras de bus, y otros componentes eléctricos que requieren una transmisión eléctrica eficiente.

Resistencia a la corrosión: La alta pureza de 1085 El aluminio contribuye a su resistencia a la corrosión., particularly in environments where it might be exposed to moisture or certain chemicals. This makes it suitable for applications where protection against corrosion is essential.

Trabajabilidad: 1085 aluminum coil is relatively soft and malleable, allowing it to be easily formed, bent, and shaped through various processes. Its workability makes it useful for applications that require complex forming, such as in the automotive and aerospace industries.

Reflectivity: Like many other aluminum alloys, 1085 aluminum has good reflectivity, which makes it suitable for applications that require reflective surfaces, such as lighting fixtures and reflective insulation.

Non-Heat-Treatable: Similar to other high-purity aluminum alloys, 1085 is non-heat-treatable. This means that it doesn’t respond to heat treatment for strengthening. Its strength can be increased through cold working or strain hardening.

Low Mechanical Strength: Due to its high purity, 1085 aluminum has relatively low mechanical strength compared to some other aluminum alloys. Its mechanical properties can be improved through cold working, but it’s generally not as strong as heat- treatable alloys.

Common Applications: 1085 aluminum coil can be used in various applications, including electrical conductors, devanados del transformador, capacitors, intercambiadores de calor, reflective panels, and other products that require a combination of electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.

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