3 bobina de aluminio serie
3000 bobina de aluminio serie is an Al+Mn (1.0-1.5) aleación, que tiene buenas características de resistencia al óxido y la corrosión. Las principales aleaciones son 3003 3A21. Por su buena resistencia a la oxidación., Será ampliamente utilizado en algunos electrodomésticos en ambientes húmedos., como aires acondicionados, refrigeradores, fondos de auto, etc., y se puede utilizar durante mucho tiempo. El precio de 3 series aluminum coil is higher than that of 1000 serie, and it is widely used in industrial and domestic scenarios.
3 serie 3003 bobinas de aluminio are often used for processing parts that require good formability, alta resistencia a la corrosión y buena soldabilidad. They have higher strength requirements than 1 series and are more widely used. Such as kitchenware, Dispositivos de procesamiento y almacenamiento de alimentos y productos químicos., cisternas y cisternas para el transporte de productos líquidos, various pressure vessels and pipes processed with thin plates.
3 serie 3004 bobina de aluminio has a higher strength than 3003, and is commonly used in all-aluminum pop-top can bodies, chemical product production and storage devices, sheet metal processing parts, construction processing parts, construction tools, and various lighting components.
3 serie 3105 aluminio is the highest strength among these types, and is mostly used in construction, such as room partitions, baffles, movable house panels, gutters and downspouts, sheet metal forming parts, bottle caps, bottle stoppers, etc..